Depestele, F. (2007). Primary bibliography of Eugene T. Gendlin. Aarschot, Belgium.
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1 Gendlin, E.T. (1950). Wilhelm Dilthey and the problem of comprehending human significance in the science of man. Unpublished MA Thesis, Department of Philosophy, University of Chicago.
2 Gendlin, E.T. (1953). Reference concepts. Unpublished paper (8 pp.).
3 Gendlin, E.T. (1954). Research project (with a population of clients who transfer counselors). Problem: What aspects of a relationship determine what the client can be in it? Unpublished paper (10 pp.).
4 Gendlin, E.T. (1956). Professional or legal certification of the counseling function. Counseling Center Discussion Paper, 2 (8). Chicago: The University of Chicago.
5 Gendlin, E.T. (1956). Outcome and process. Counseling Center Discussion Paper, 2 (21). Chicago: The University of Chicago (Special Collections: Archival Monographs) (9 pp.).
6 Gendlin, E.T. (1956). Basic principles of psychological counseling:Syllabus for psychology 251 (65 pp.). Chicago: The University of Chicago, The Home-Study Department.
7 Gendlin, E.T. (1957). A process concept of relationship. Counseling Center Discussion Paper, 3 (2), 22-32. Chicago: The University of Chicago (Special Collections: Archival Monographs).
8 Gendlin, E.T. (1957). A descriptive introduction to experiencing. Counseling Center Discussion Papers, 3 (25). Chicago: The University of Chicago (Special Collections: Archival Monographs) (8 pp.).
9 Gendlin, E.T. (1957). The function of experiencing I. Counseling Center Discussion Papers, 3 (29), 361-374. Chicago: The University of Chicago (Special Collections: Archival Monographs).
10 Gendlin, E.T. (1958). The function of experiencing in symbolization. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. University of Chicago.
11 Gendlin, E.T. (1958). The function of experiencing II. Two issues: Interpretation in therapy; focus on the present. Counseling Center Discussion Papers, 4 (3). Chicago: The University of Chicago (Special Collections: Archival Monographs) (15 pp.).
12 Gendlin, E.T. (1958). Comment on 'Becoming a therapist, 1: As a merger of self and therapeutic approach'. Counseling Center Discussion Papers, 4 (20), 7-8. Chicago: The University of Chicago (Special Collections: Archival Monographs).
13 Gendlin, E.T. (1958). The minimum conditions of experiential learning as offered by a correspondence course in counseling. Counseling Center Discussion Papers, 4 (21). Chicago: The University of Chicago (Special Collections: Archival Monographs).
14 Gendlin, E.T. (1959). The concept of congruence reformulated in terms of experiencing. Counseling Center Discussion Papers, 5 (12). Chicago: The University of Chicago (Special Collections: Archival Monographs) (31 pp.).
15 Gendlin, E.T. (1959). A tentative draft: Two conditions of learning. Unpublished paper.
16 Gendlin, E.T. (1960). NIMH Research Plan. Unpublished paper.
17 Gendlin, E.T. (1961). Experiencing: A variable in the process of therapeutic change. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 15 (2), 233-245.
- An earlier version is published (1958), without the introduction, in Counseling Center Discussion Papers, 5 (1). Chicago: The University of Chicago (Special Collections: Archival Monographs) (21 pp.).
- Reprinted in Counseling: Selected readings. Columbus, OH: Charles E. Merrill & Co., 1962.
- Translated into Japanese by T. Murase: Taiken katei: chiryo ni yoru henka ni okeru ichi hensu. In E.T. Gendlin (1966), o.c., pp. 19-38 (see no. 47).
- Abridged and translated into Spanish by E. Riveros Aedo (2000): El "experiencing": una variable en el proceso del cambio teraputico. In E. Riveros Aedo, El nuevo paradigma del experiencing, pp. 161-181. Santiago de Chile: Lom Ediciones.
The first version of this translation (1976) was distributed under the same title as an unpublished paper (14 pp.).
- Translated into Portuguese by J.C. Caselli Messias & D. Bartholomeu (2005). Experienciao: uma varivel no processo de mudana teraputica.
18 Gendlin, E.T. (1961). Research project and research program in psychotherapy with schizophrenics. Wisconsin Psychiatric Institute Bulletin, University of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Psychiatric Institute.
19 Gendlin, E.T. (1961). Initiating psychotherapy with "unmotivated" patients. Psychiatric Quarterly, 35, 134-139.
- Translated into Japanese by T. Murase: Douki zuke no nai kanzya tono sinri ryoho. In E.T. Gendlin (1966), o.c., pp. 182-189 (see no. 47).
20 Gendlin, E.T. (1961). Sub-verbal communication and therapist expressivity: Trends in client-centered psychotherapy with schizophrenics. The Psychiatric Institute Bulletin, I (10), 1-14 (University of Wisconsin, September 2, 1961). (For a larger version see no. 29).
21 Gendlin, E.T. (1962). Experiencing and the creation of meaning. A philosophical and psychological approach to the subjective. New York: Free Press of Glencoe. Reprinted by Macmillan, 1970. (Also available at The Focusing Institute, 34 East Lane, Spring Valley, New York 10977;
- Translated into Japanese by T. Tsutsui (1993). Taiken katei to imi no souzou. Tokyo: Book Tokyo.
- Reprinted and published as paperback by Northwestern University Press (1997), with a 'Preface to the paper edition', pp. XI-XXIII. This preface is also available at
- The first part of chapter three (‘How felt meaning functions'), the part that treats ‘direct reference' (III.A.1) (pp. 90-100) is available at
22 Gendlin, E.T. (1962). Client-centered developments and work with schizophrenics. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 9 (3), 205-212.
- An earlier, very different version is published (1961) under the title 'Client-centered development in psychotherapy with schizophrenics'. Counseling Center Discussion Papers, 7 (1). Chicago: The University of Chicago (Special Collections: Archival Monographs) (26 pp.).
- Translated into Japanese by H. Itou (1967). Client chuushin ryouhou no hatten to bunretsubyousha tono sesshoku. In H. Itou (Ed.), Client chuushin ryouhou no hyouka (Rogers zenshuu Vol. 17; Rogers' Complete Works, Vol. 17), pp. 79-100. Tokyo: Iwasaki Gakujutsu Shuppansha.
23 Gendlin, E.T. (1962). Need for a new type of concept. Current trends and needs in psychotherapy research on schizophrenia. Review of Existential Psychology and Psychiatry, 2 (1), 37-46.
24 Gendlin, E.T. (1962). Some proposals on psychotherapy training. Paper presented at the conference of local organizations of clinical psychologists, St. Louis 30 Aug. 1962. Unpublished manuscript (6 pp.).
- Translated into Japanese by T. Murase: Sinri chiryo kunren ni tsuiteno teian. In E.T. Gendlin (1966), o.c., pp. 209-215 (see no. 47).
25 Gendlin, E.T. (1962). Process variables for psychotherapy research. Paper presented at a symposium on 'Research and practice in psychotherapy' at the APA convention, St. Louis. Unpublished paper (17 pp.).
- Reprinted in Wisconsin Psychiatric Institute Discussion Paper, no. 42, 1963. Madison: University of Wisconsin.
- Translated into Japanese by T. Murase: Sinriryoho kenkyu no tameno katei hensu. In E.T. Gendlin (1966), o.c., pp. 3-18 (see no. 47).
26 Gendlin, E.T. (1962). Are universities preparing the new Ph.D. adequately to do psychotherapy? Unpublished paper, University of Wisconsin (6 pp.).
- Translated into Japanese by T. Murase: Daigakuin ni okeru sinri chiryosha kyouiku no arikata. In E.T. Gendlin (1966), o.c., pp. 216-222 (see no. 47).
27 Gendlin, E.T. (1962). Some ideas toward measurement indices of therapist competence. International Mental Health Research Newsletter, 4, nos. 3 & 4.
28 Gendlin, E.T. (1962). Position paper. Unpublished paper.
29 Gendlin, E.T. (1963). Subverbal communication and therapist expressivity: Trends in client-centered therapy with schizophrenics. Journal of Existential Psychiatry, no. 14, 4, 105-120. (Compared with no. 20: Same subject but slightly different title and largely extended text.)
- Translated into Japanese by T. Murase: Gengo ka no communication to chiryosha no ziko hyoumeisei: bunretsu byosya tono raidansya chushin no sinri ryoho ni okeru suusei. In E.T. Gendlin (1966), o.c., pp. 190-206 (see no. 47).
- Reprinted in an abridged version (of pp. 105-109) in C.R. Rogers & B. Stevens (Eds.) (1967), Person to person: The problem of being human, pp. 119-128. Lafayette, CA: Real People Press.
- The abridged version is translated into Dutch by M. Ferguson: Subverbale communicatie en therapeutische expressiviteit: Trends in de client-centered therapie met schizofrenen. In C.R. Rogers & B. Stevens (red.) (1972), Intermenselijk, pp. 116-124. 's Gravenhage: NVSH.
- The abridged version is translated into Portuguese by M.L. Moreira Leite & D. Moreira Leite: Comunicao subverbal e expressividade do terapeuta: tendncias de terapia centralizada no cliente no caso de esquizofrnicos. In C.R. Rogers & B. Stevens (Eds.) (1977), De pessoa para pessoa: o problema de ser humano, uma nova tendncia na psicologia. 2a edio, pp. 137-148. So Paulo: Pioneira.
- The abridged version is translated into Spanish by Z. Valcarcel: Comunicacin subverbal y expresividad del terapeuta: tendencias de la terapia centrada en el cliente en el tratamiento de esquizofrnicos. In C.R. Rogers & B. Stevens (Eds.) (1980), Persona a Persona, pp. 122-132. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu.
- The abridged version is translated into German by A. Tilbein & B. Westermeier: Subverbale Kommunikation und therapeutische Ausdrucksfhigkeit: Tendenzen in der klient-zentrierten Therapie mit Schizophrenen. In C.R. Rogers & B. Stevens (Hgg.) (1984, 19872), Von Mensch zu Mensch. Mglichkeiten, sich und anderen zu begegnen, pp. 137-148. Paderborn: Junfermann.
30 Gendlin, E.T. (1963). Experiencing and the nature of concepts. The Christian Scholar, 46 (3), 245-255.
31 Gendlin, E.T. (1963). Psychotherapy with schizophrenics. Unpublished paper.
32 Gendlin, E.T. (1963). Paper on David Hume. No known copy in existence.
33 Gendlin, E.T. (1964). A theory of personality change. In P. Worchel & D. Byrne (Eds.), Personality change, pp. 100-148. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Also available at
- Reprinted in J.T. Hart & T.M. Tomlinson (Eds.) (1970), New directions in client-centered therapy, pp. 129-173. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
- Reprinted in A.R. Mahrer & L. Pearson (Eds.) (1973), Creative developments in psychotherapy. Vol. I, pp. 439-489. New York: Jason Aronson.
- Translated into Japanese by T. Murase: Zinkaku henka no ichi riron. In E.T. Gendlin (1966), o.c., pp. 39-157 (see no. 47). This translation (also available at is made from the manuscript of Gendlin's article. A new translation has been made from the published version of the article by T. Murase & A. Ikemi (1999), Zinkaku henka no ichi riron. In A. Ikemi (Ed.), Therapy process no chiisana ippo: focusing karano ningen rikai, pp. 165-231. Tokyo: Kongo Shuppan.
- Translated into German by A. Burns and the editors: Eine Theorie der Persnlichkeitsvernderung. In H. Bommert & H.D. Dahlhoff (Hgg.) (1978), Das Selbsterleben (experiencing) in der Psychotherapie, pp. 1-62. Mnchen: Urban & Schwarzenberg.
- Translated into German by J. Wiltschko (1992): Eine theorie des Persnlichkeitswandels. Focusing Bibliothek. Studientexte. Heft I. Wrzburg: DAF (see no. 172).
- Translated into French by F. Roussel (1975): Une thorie du changement de la personalit. Montral: Les ditions du Centre Interdisciplinaire de Montral (59 pp.). This translation was given some modifications by B. Lamboy & G. Lamboy (2001). Une thorie du changement de la personnalit. Available at
- Translated into Italian to a very large extent by R. Luciani (2002): Una teoria di modificazione della personalita'. Available at
- Abridged and translated into Spanish by E. Riveros Aedo (2000): Una teora del cambio de la personalidad. In E. Riveros Aedo, El nuevo paradigma del experiencing, pp. 63-160. Santiago de Chile: Lom Ediciones.
34 Gendlin, E.T. (1964). Schizophrenia: Problems and methods of psychotherapy. Review of Existential Psychology and Psychiatry, 4 (2), 168-179.
- Reprinted in Review of Existential Psychology and Psychiatry, 20, 1986/87, nos. 1-3, 181-191.
- Reprinted in K. Hoeller (Ed.) (1990), Readings in existential psychology and psychiatry. Review of Existential Psychology and Psychiatry, special issue, pp. 181-191.
- Translated into Japanese by T. Murase: Seishin bunretsu byo: sinri ryoho no mondai to houhou. In E.T. Gendlin (1966), o.c., pp. 161-181 (see no. 47).
35 Gendlin, E.T. (1964). Review of Merleau-Ponty's 'The structure of behavior'. The Modern Schoolman, 42, 87-96.
36 Gendlin, E.T. (1965). Values and the process of experiencing. Counseling Center Discussion Papers, 11 (2) (January). Chicago: The University of Chicago (Special Collections: Archival Monographs) (43 pp.). (For an edited version see no. 51).
37 Gendlin, E.T. (1965). What are the grounds of explication?: A basic problem in linguistic analysis and in phenomenology. The Monist, 49 (1), 137-164.
- Reprinted in H.A. Durfee (Ed.) (1976), Analytic philosophy and phenomenology, pp. 243-267. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff.
- A revised version with the same title is published in The Human Context, 1973, 5, 490-511.
- This version was translated into French by H. & M.P. Eisele: Quels sont les fondements de l'explication? Un problme fondamental en analyse linguistique et en phnomnologie. The Human Context, 1973, 5, 512-536.
38 Gendlin, E.T. (1965). Expressive meanings. In J.M. Edie (Ed.), An invitation to phenomenology. Studies in the philosophy of experience, pp. 240-251. Chicago: Quadrangle Books.
39 Gendlin, E.T. (1965). Findings and clinical learnings in a research program on psychotherapy with schizophrenics. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 35 (2), 293-294.
40 Gendlin, E.T. (1965). Mental health field worker training project (preliminary draft). Chicago: Illinois Department of Mental Health, Department of Planning (5 pp.).
41 Gendlin, E.T. (1965). Psychotherapy training in the context of a graduate-undergraduate model. Paper prepared for the conference on the professional preparation of clinical psychologists, Chicago, June 1965. In Pre-conference materials, pp. 48-50. Washington, DC: APA.
42 Gendlin, E.T. (1965/66). Experiential explication and truth. Journal of Existentialism, 6, 131-146.
- Reprinted in F.R. Molina (Ed.) (1969), The sources of existentialism as philosophy, pp. 196-216. Englewood Cliffs, NJ.: Prentice Hall.
- Partly (pp.131-134 & 139-140) reprinted under the title 'Experiential explication' in R.C. Solomon (Ed.) (1972), Phenomenology and existentialism, pp. 160-168. New York: Harper & Row.
43 Gendlin, E.T. (1965/66). Application for research grant. Unpublished paper.
44 Gendlin, E.T. (1966). Research in psychotherapy with schizophrenic patients and the nature of that "illness". American Journal of Psychotherapy, 20 (1), 4-16.
- Reprinted in J.T. Hart & T.M. Tomlinson (Eds.) (1970), o.c., pp. 280-291 (see no. 33).
- Translated into Spanish: La naturaleza de la Esquizofrenia. In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), Psicoterapia Experiencial y Focusing: La aportacin de E.T. Gendlin, pp. 57-60. Biblioteca de psicologa, no. 85. Bilbao: Descle De Brouwer. (This book is a collection of translated works of Gendlin; traduccin: Carlos Alemany, con la colaboracin de Enrique Aguilar, Pedro Coduras y Jess Rz. Ortega.)
45 Gendlin, E.T. (1966). The discovery of felt meaning. In J.B. McDonald & R.R. Leeper (Eds.), Language and meaning. Papers from the ASCD-conference, The Curriculum Research Institute (Nov. 21-24, 1964 & March 20-23, 1965), pp. 45-62. Washington, DC: Association for supervision and curriculum development.
46 Gendlin, E.T. (1966). Existentialism and experiential psychotherapy. In C. Moustakas (Ed.), Existential child therapy, pp. 206-246. New York: Basic Books. Also available, in a version with some small changes, at
- Reprinted in J.T. Hart & T.M. Tomlinson (Eds.) (1970), o.c., pp. 70-94 (see no. 33).
- Translated into Japanese by Y. Kokubu (1980): Jitsuzon shugi to taiken ryouhou. In C. Moustakas (Ed.), Shishunki no jitsuzonteki kiki (Existential child therapy), pp. 253-301. Tokyo: Iwasaki Gakujutsu Shuppansha.
- Translated into Spanish: Existencialismo y psicoterapia experiencial. In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), o.c., pp. 31-56 (see no. 44).
47 Gendlin, E.T. (1966). Taiken katei to shinri ryoho (The collected papers of Eugene T. Gendlin). Translated into Japanese by T. Murase. Tokyo: Maki Shoten. With an introduction by E.T. Gendlin: Nihongo-ban jobun ('Introduction to the Japanese edition'), pp. 4-8.
- Reprinted and published by Natsumesha (1981).
48 Gendlin, E.T. (1966). Nihongo-ban jobun ('Introduction to the Japanese edition'). Introduction to 'Taiken katei to shinri ryoho' (The collected papers of Eugene T. Gendlin), pp. 4-8. Translated into Japanese by T. Murase. Tokyo: Maki Shoten (see no. 47).
- Reprinted and published by Natsumesha (1981), pp. VIII-XII.
49 Gendlin, E.T. (1966). Plato's dialectic. Unpublished paper (15 pp.).
50 Gendlin, E.T. (1966/67). Against tragedy (analysis of Sophocles' six tragedies). No known copy in existence.
51 Gendlin, E.T. (1967). Values and the process of experiencing. In A. Mahrer (Ed.), The goals of psychotherapy, pp. 180-205. New York: Appleton-Century. (This is an edited version of the 1965 version: see no. 36)
- Abridged and translated into Spanish: Los valores y el proceso experiencial. In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), o.c., pp. 95-99 (see no. 44).
52 Gendlin, E.T. (1967). Therapeutic procedures in dealing with schizophrenics. In C.R. Rogers (Ed.) (1967), The therapeutic relationship and its impact. A study of psychotherapy with schizophrenics, pp. 369-400. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
- The same text with the same pagination is also published under the title ‘Therapeutic procedures with schizophrenics'.
- Translated into Japanese by H. Itou (1972): Bunretsubyousha tono therapy no tetsuzuki. In H. Itou (Ed.), Psychotherapy no jissen (Rogers zenshuu Vol. 21, or supplement 3), pp. 77-139. Tokyo: Iwasaki Gakujutsu Shuppansha.
(The Japanese edition of 'The therapeutic relationship and its impact' consists of three volumes: 'Rogers zenshuu Vol. 19 - Vol. 21')
- Translated into Spanish: Procedimientos teraputicos con esquizofrnicos. In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), o.c., pp. 71-93 (see no. 44).
53 Gendlin, E.T. (1967). The social significance of the research. In C.R. Rogers (Ed.) (1967), o.c., pp. 523-541 (see no. 52).
- Translated into Japanese by H. Itou (1972), Kono research no shakaiteki igi. In H. Itou (Ed.), o.c., pp. 319-351 (see no. 52).
54 Gendlin, E.T. (1967). A scale for rating the manner of relating. In C.R. Rogers (Ed.) (1967), o.c., pp. 603-611 (see no. 52).
- Translated into Japanese by I. Tezuka (1972). Kankei suru shikata wo hyoutei suru tameno hitotsuno scale. In F. Tomoda (Ed.), Psychotherapy no kenkyuu (Rogers zenshuu Vol. 19, or supplement 1), pp. 325-341. Tokyo: Iwasaki Gakujutsu Shuppansha.
55 Gendlin, E.T. (1967). Neurosis and human nature in the experiential method of thought and therapy. Humanitas, 3 (2), 139-152.
- Translated into Spanish: Neurosis y naturaleza humana en el mtodo experiencial del pensamiento y la terapia. In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), o.c., pp. 61-69 (see no. 44).
56 Gendlin, E.T. (1967). An analysis of 'What is a thing?'. In M. Heidegger, What is a thing?, pp. 247-296. Translated by W.B. Barton & V. Deutsch. Chicago: Henry Regnery.
57 Gendlin, E.T. (1967). Review of 'Psychology and the human dilemma' by Rollo May. Psychology Today (June), 11-12.
58 Gendlin, E.T. (1967). Focusing manual and post-focusing questionnaire. Unpublished paper.
59 Gendlin, E.T. (1968). The experiential response. In E. Hammer (Ed.), Use of interpretation in treatment, pp. 208-227. New York: Grune & Stratton.
- Translated into German by J. Ossenbach (2002) under the same title: The experiential response. Focusing Journal, no. 8, 2-9 & no. 9, 2-7 (see no. 172). Also available at
- Translated into Japanese by M. Hikasa & R. Tamura (2005): Taiken-teki outo. Available at
- Translated into Spanish by A. Rodrguez Halay (2005): La respuesta experiencial. Unpublished (34 pp.). Available in printed form from the translator (
60 Gendlin, E.T. (1968). Review of 'The politics of experience' of R.D. Laing. The Philosophical Forum, 7 (1), 86-91.
61 Gendlin, E.T. (1968). Psychotherapy and community psychology. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 5 (2), 67-72.
62 Gendlin, E.T. (1968). Notes on recent focusing research. Unpublished manuscript (24 pp.).
63 Gendlin, E.T. (1969). Focusing. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 6 (1), 4-15.
- Translated into Spanish: Focusing. In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), o.c., pp. 109-124 (see no. 44).
64 Gendlin, E.T. (1969). Experiential focusing: A procedure. Unpublished paper (26 pp.).
65 Gendlin, E.T. (1969). Experiential focusing: Chapter II. Unpublished paper (75 pp.).
66 Gendlin, E.T. (1970). A short summary and some long predictions. In J.T. Hart & T.M. Tomlinson (Eds.) (1970), o.c., pp. 544-562 (see no. 33).
- Reprinted in The Chicago Theological Seminary Register, 61 (2).
- Reprinted in Psychotherapy and behavior change, 1977. New York: Grune & Stratton.
67 Gendlin, E.T. (1970). Research in psychotherapy and chemotherapy: Research problems and the relationship between psychological and physiological variables. Paper presented at the conference on schizophrenia: The implications of research for treatment and teaching. May 30 - June 2, 1970. Washington, DC, National Institute of Mental Health (18 pp.).
68 Gendlin, E.T. (1970). The significance of felt meaning. In R. Cormier, E. Chinn & R.H. Lineback (Eds.), Encounter: An introduction to philosophy, pp. 561-566. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman and Co. (Reprinted parts from the 'Introduction' of 'Experiencing and the creation of meaning' (see no. 21): pp. 1-3; 8; 10-16; 24).
- Translated into Spanish: La significatividad del significado sentido (felt meaning). In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), o.c., pp. 131-136 (see no. 44).
69 Gendlin, E.T. (1970). Research proposal "Measurable training instructions for non-professionals". Univ. of Chicago, Dept. of Psychology. Unpublished manuscript (18 pp.).
70 Gendlin, E.T. (1970). Resource letter for 'Psychology Today': Experiential psychotherapy. Unpublished paper.
71 Gendlin, E.T. (1970). Retroactive time and explication. Unpublished paper.
72 Gendlin, E.T. (1970). What controls dialectic? Commentary on Plato's Symposium. Unpublished paper (14 pp).
- This paper was slightly revised in 2007, retyped into a Word document (which gives it 18 pp.), and this revision is published at GOL (the Gendlin online archive).
73 Gendlin, E.T. (1971). On decision making. In B. Marshall (Ed.), Experiences in being, pp. 65-74. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.
- Translated into Spanish: La toma de decisiones. In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), o.c., pp. 137-141 (see no. 44).
74 Gendlin, E.T. (1972). Therapeutic procedures with schizophrenic patients. In M. Hammer (Ed.), The theory and practice of psychotherapy with specific disorders, pp. 333-375. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas. This article is composed of a fragment (pp. 10-12) from ‘Research in psychotherapy with schizophrenic patients and the nature of that "illness"' (see no. 44) and of the very slightly edited text of ‘Therapeutic procedures in dealing with schizophrenics' (see no. 52).
75 Gendlin, E.T. (1972). Two ways of reading a philosophy - and their pitfalls. Unpublished manuscript (22 pp.). A slightly edited version is available as a scanned text (16 pp.) at and at
76 Gendlin, E.T. (1972). Is the deductive or axiomatic model essential or even fundamental to theory in science? Unpublished manuscript (19 pp.).
77 Gendlin, E.T. (1973). Experiential psychotherapy. In R. Corsini (Ed.), Current psychotherapies, pp. 317-352. Itasca: Peacock.
- Translated into Spanish: Psicoterapia experiencial. In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), o.c., pp. 143-195 (see no. 44).
- Translated into Japanese by A. Ikemi (1999), Taiken katei ryouhou. In A. Ikemi (Ed.), Therapy process no chiisana ippo: focusing karano ningen rikai, pp. 75-138. Tokyo: Kongo Shuppan.
- Revised and abridged version in R. Corsini (Ed.) (1979), Current psychotherapies (second, revised edition), pp. 340-373. Itasca: Peacock.
78 Gendlin, E.T. (1973). Experiential phenomenology. In M. Natanson (Ed.), Phenomenology and the social sciences. Vol. I, pp. 281-319. Evanston: Northwestern University Press.
79 Gendlin, E.T. (1973). An interview with E.T. Gendlin. In Psychology 1973-1974. Guilford, CT: Dushkin Publishing Group.
80 Gendlin, E.T. (1973). A phenomenology of emotions: Anger. In D. Carr & E.S. Casey (Eds.), Explorations in phenomenology. Papers of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, pp. 367-398. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff.
81 Gendlin, E.T. (1974). Client-centered and experiential psychotherapy. In D.A. Wexler & L.N. Rice (Eds.), Innovations in client-centered therapy, pp. 211-246. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
- Translated into Spanish: Psicoterapia centrada en el cliente y experiencial. In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), o.c., pp. 197-207 (see no. 44).
82 Gendlin, E.T. (1974). The role of knowledge in practice. In G.F. Farwell, N.R. Gamsky & F.M. Mathieu-Coughlan (Eds.), The counselor's handbook, pp. 269-294. New York: Intext.
83 Gendlin, E.T. (1974). Contribution to the discussion about 'The life-world and the a priori - opposites or complementaries?' (H. L. Meyn). In A-T. Tymieniecka (Ed.), Analecta Husserliana. Vol. III. The phenomenological realism of the possible worlds, pp. 102-104. Dordrecht/Boston: Reidel.
84 Gendlin, E.T. (1975). The newer therapies. In S. Arieti (Ed.), American handbook of psychiatry. Second edition. Volume V. Treatment, pp. 269-289. New York: Basic Books.
85 Gendlin, E.T. (1975). Politics in relation to psychological and spiritual awareness. Unpublished manuscript (46 pp.).
86 Gendlin, E.T. (1977). Keine Schule hat die ganze Wahrheit. In A. Wild-Missong & E. Teuwsen (Hgg.), Psychotherapeutische Schulen im Gesprch miteinander. Diskussionen und Berichte zur Erweiterung und Abgrenzung der psychotherapeutischen Vorgehensweise, pp. 11-22. Salzburg: Otto Mller.
87 Gendlin, E.T. (1977). Participant in a discussion about 'Experiencing (Erleben)'. In A. Wild-Missong & A. Teuwsen (Hgg.), o.c., pp. 115-137 (see no. 86).
88 Gendlin, E.T. (1977). Experiential focusing and the problem of getting movement in psychotherapy. In D. Nevill (Ed.), Humanistic Psychology: New frontiers, pp. 117-132. New York: Gardner Press.
89 Gendlin, E.T. (1977). Phenomenological concept versus phenomenological method: a critique of Medard Boss on dreams. Soundings, 60, 285-300.
- Reprinted in C.E. Scott (Ed.) (1982), On dreaming. An encounter with Medard Boss, pp. 57-72. Chico, CA: Scholars Press.
- Translated into Japanese by Y. Morotomi (1989), Genshogaku-teki gainen ka genshogaku-teki houhou ka: yume ni tsuite Medard Boss o hihan-shite. The Focusing Forum, 6 (1), 15-27. (This journal is published by the Japan Focusing Institute, Kyushu University, Faculty of Education, Hakozaki 6-19-1, Fukuoka-shi Higashi-ku, Japan 812-81).
90 Gendlin, E.T. (1977). Beyond roles. Changes Discussion Paper, 1 (1), (27 pp.).
91 Gendlin, E.T. (1977). Pretend ... What feeling comes and says "no"? In T. Brouillette & E. Kenney (Eds.), Interchanges: a newsletter of the Changes network.
92 Gendlin, E.T. (1977). Eternal return and experiential meaning. Proceedings of the Heidegger Conference meeting of May 26-28th 1977 at The Tulane University of New Orleans, LA, pp. 1-27.
93 Gendlin, E.T. (1978). The body's releasing steps in experiential process. In J.L. Fosshage & P. Olsen (Eds.), Healing. Implications for psychotherapy, pp. 323-349. New York: Human Sciences Press.
94 Gendlin, E.T. (1978). Focusing (first edition). New York: Everest House.
95 Gendlin, E.T. (1978). Broader scientific implications of focusing. Keynote address to the Japanese Psychological Association National Convention, Fukuoka, Japan. Unpublished manuscript (8 pp.).
96 Gendlin, E.T. (1978). We must teach focusing in our own way ... The University of Chicago. Unpublished manuscript (3 pp.)
97 Gendlin, E.T. (1978/79). Befindlichkeit: Heidegger and the philosophy of psychology. Review of Existential Psychology and Psychiatry, 16 (1-3), 43-71. Also available at In the GOL (Gendlin online archive) publication (2007) the third and fourth paragraph of p. 44 are edited.
98 Gendlin, E.T. (1978/79). Theory construction course. University of Chicago.
99 Gendlin, E.T. (1979). Interview mit K. Breuer und G. Kretzer anlsslich des 1. Workshop zum Experiencing - Focusing - Konzepts in Bonn. GwG-info, no. 36, 53-58.
100 Gendlin, E.T. (1979). Experience is richer than psychology models (interview with Gendlin). Brain-Mind Bulletin, 4 (10), 2.
101 Gendlin, E.T. (1979). A review of Stephan Strasser, 'Phenomenology of feeling. An essay on the phenomena of the heart', 1977, Pittsburg: Duquesne University Press. Human Studies, 2 (1), 86-91.
102 Gendlin, E.T. (1979). How I teach focusing. Unpublished manuscript (15 pp.).
103 Gendlin, E.T. (1979). Summary of discussion on teaching method. Unpublished manuscript (4 pp.).
104 Gendlin, E.T. (1979). Some notes: focusing in relation to spirituality. Unpublished manuscript (2 pp.).
105 Gendlin, E.T. (1979). Some notes on the relation between focusing and meditation. Unpublished manuscript (3 pp.).
- Translated into Spanish: Algunas sugerencias sobre focusing y meditacin. In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), o.c., pp. 209-212 (see no. 44).
106 Gendlin, E.T. (1979). The use of focusing during psychotherapy. Unpublished manuscript (24 pp.).
107 Gendlin, E.T. (1979). Focusing and decision-making. Unpublished manuscript (5 pp.).
108 Gendlin, E.T. (1979). The difference between focusing and self-hypnosis. Unpublished manuscript (18 pp.).
109 Gendlin, E.T. (1980). Focusing and psychosomatic medicine. Paper presented at conference. Unpublished (4 pp.).
110 Gendlin, E.T. (1980). Experiential focusing and psychotherapy. In R. Herink (Ed.), The psychotherapy handbook, pp. 195-198. New York: New American Library.
111 Gendlin, E.T. (1980). Imagery is more powerful with focusing: Theory and practice. In J.E. Shorr, G.E. Sobel, P. Robin, J.A. Connella (Eds.), Imagery. Its many dimensions and applications, pp. 65-73. New York/London: Plenum Press. Also available at
- Translated into Spanish: La imaginacin es ms poderosa con focusing: teora y prctica. In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), o.c., pp. 213-220 (see no. 44).
112 Gendlin, E.T. (1980). Client-centered therapy as a frame of reference for training: The use of focusing during therapy. In W. De Moor & H.R. Wijngaarden (Eds.), Psychotherapy: research and training. Proceedings of the XIth international congress of psychotherapy, pp. 279-297. Amsterdam: Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press.
- Translated into Spanish: La terapia-centrada-en-el-cliente como marco de referencia para el entrenamiento: el uso de focusing durante la terapia. In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), o.c., pp. 221-240 (see no. 44).
113 Gendlin, E.T. (1981). Focusing and the development of creativity. The Focusing Folio, 1 (1), 13-16.
114 Gendlin, E.T. (1981). Movement therapy, objectivation, and focusing. The Focusing Folio, 1 (2), 35-37.
- Translated into Spanish: Movimiento, objetivacin y focusing. In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), o.c., pp. 241-244 (see no. 44).
- Translated into Italian by I. Calcagni & N. Corsetti (2007): ‘Movimento-terapia, oggettivazione e focusing’. Available at
115 Gendlin, E.T. (1981). The whole process is more natural than the divided pieces. The Focusing Folio, 1 (3), 18-23.
- Translated into Spanish: El proceso global es ms natural que las partes separadas. In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), o.c., pp. 245-251 (see no. 44).
116 Gendlin, E.T. (1981). The politics of giving therapy away. The Focusing Folio, 1 (4), 14-19.
117 Gendlin, E.T. (1981). Focusing (second edition. New revised instructions). New York: Bantam Books.
- Translated into Dutch by G. Grasman (19811; 19914). Focussen. Haarlem: De Toorts.
- Translated into German by K. Schoch (19811; 19844). Focusing. Technik der Selbsthilfe bei der Lsung persnlicher Probleme. Salzburg: Otto Mller.
Taschenbuchausgabe (bersetzung berarbeitet von K. Schoch, mit Vorwort von H.-J. Feuerstein und D. Mller: 'Zur Taschenbuchausgabe Focusing: die Idee und ihre Weiterentwicklung') (19981; 20055). Focusing. Selbsthilfe bei der Lsung persnlicher Probleme. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt.
- Translated into Japanese by S. Murayama, H. Tsuru & T. Murase (1982). Focusing. Tokyo: Fukumura Shuppan. With an introduction by E.T. Gendlin: Nihongo-ban jobun ('Introduction to the Japanese edition'), pp. 5-10.
- Translated into Swedish by S. Ahlin (1982). Fokusering. Stockholm: Wahlstrm & Widstrand.
- Translated into Spanish by J. Martnez (revisin tcnica de C. Alemany) (19831; 19882; 20016). Focusing. Proceso y tcnica del enfoque corporal. Bilbao: Mensajero. With an introduction by E.T. Gendlin, the original English text (1982) of which is unpublished (2 pp.).
- Translated into Danish by C. Bech (19831; 19942). Fokusering: en selvhjaelpteknik. Kbenhavn: Forlaget Apostrof.
- Translated into French by L. Drolet (1984). Focusing: au centre de soi. Mieux que se comprendre: se retrouver. Montral: Le Jour.
- Translated into Chinese by Xiu Xuan Huang (1985). Zhuan zhu de ji shu. Tan suo xin ling de jiao dian. Taipei/Taiwan: Tien ma wen hua shi ye.
- Translated into Hungarian by K. Varga (19861). Fkuszols. Szemlyi problmk megoldsa nerbl. Budapest: Orszgos Pedaggiai Intzet. Reprinted and published (20023) under the title Fkuszols. letproblmk megoldsa nerbl. Budapest: Edge 2000 Kiad.
- Translated into Italian by R. Kohn (2001). Focusing. Interrogare il corpo per cambiare la psiche.Roma: Astrolabio.
- Translated into Hebrew by M. Arbel (2001). Hitmakdut. Zfat: Mirkam.
- The first chapter (‘The inner act’) is translated into Chinese by Yi-fu Wang (2007): ‘xin li xing wei’ (心理行为). Available at Chinese translation of chapter from Focusing - translator Wang Yifu
118 Gendlin, E.T. (1981). A process model. Unpublished manuscript (422 pp.). Revised version published (1997) (288 pp.). New York: The Focusing Institute (see no. 21). This revision is also available since 1998 at, in a version with several typographical corrections made in 2001.
- The revised version is partly (pp. 1-35) translated into German by M. Blanke (2005). Available at
119 Gendlin, E.T. (1982). Experiential psychotherapy. Unpublished manuscript (371 pp.). (Available at The Focusing Institute: see no. 21).
120 Gendlin, E.T. (1982). Two phenomenologists do not disagree. In R. Bruzina & B. Wilshire (Eds.), Phenomenology. Dialogues and bridges, pp. 321-335. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
121 Gendlin, E.T. (1982). Focusing Check-list. Materialien zur 2 Internationalen Focusing Sommerschule, 95-101.
122 Gendlin, E.T. (1982). Nihongo-ban jobun ('Introduction to the Japanese edition'). Introduction to 'Focusing', pp. 5-10 (translated into Japanese by S. Murayama, H. Tsuru & T. Murase). Tokyo: Fukumura Shuppan (see no. 117).
123 Gendlin, E.T. (1982). To those writing about focusing. Letter (1 p.).
124 Gendlin, E.T. (1982/83). An introduction to the new developments in focusing. The Focusing Folio, 2 (1), 24-35.
- Translated into Dutch by N. van Lookeren Campagne-Taverne: Introductie tot de nieuwe ontwikkelingen in het focussen. Psychotherapeutisch Paspoort, 1984, Afl. 2, 5.25-5.33.
- Translated into Spanish: Introduccin a los nuevos avances en focusing. In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), o.c., pp. 253-261 (see no. 44).
125 Gendlin, E.T. (1982). New specifics. The Focusing Folio, 2 (2), 44-47.
126 Gendlin, E.T. (1983). New specifics. The Focusing Folio, 2 (3), 27-28.
127 Gendlin, E.T. (1983). New specifics. The Focusing Folio, 2 (4), 38.
128 Gendlin, E.T. (1983). Introduction to the Spanish edition of Focusing. Bilbao: Mensajero (see no. 117).
129 Gendlin, E.T. (1983). Contrastes entre los conceptos teoricos y los pasos psicoterapeuticos [The nature of theory]. In A. Prez Gmez & F. Barrera Currea (Eds.), Psicoterapias 1983: perspectivas de integration. Ponencias realizadas en la primera conferencia internacional de psicoterapias, pp. 47-56. Bogot: Universidad de los Andes.
130 Gendlin, E.T. (1983). Dwelling. In R.C. Scharff (Ed.), Heidegger conference proceedings. Durham: The University of New Hampshire.
- Reprinted in H.J. Silverman, A. Mickunas, T. Kisiel & A. Lingis (Eds.) (1988), The horizons of continental philosophy. Essays on Husserl, Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty, pp. 133-152. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
131 Gendlin, E.T. (1984). Imagery and focusing. The Focusing Connection, 1 (1), 4.
132 Gendlin, E.T. (1984). The politics of giving therapy away: Listening and focusing. In D. Larson (Ed.), Teaching psychological skills: models for giving psychology away, pp. 287-305. Monterey: Brooks/Cole..
- Part of this article (pp. 297-300) was published in an earlier version under the title ‘The politics of giving therapy away' in The Focusing Folio, 1981, 1 (4), 14-19 (see no. 116).
- Excerpts of this article (pp. 287-288, 297-300, 301-305) are reprinted under the same title in The Folio, 1995, 14 (1), 33-41. This ‘Folio-version' of the article is available at
133 Gendlin, E.T. (1984). The client's client: the edge of awareness. In R.L. Levant & J.M. Shlien (Eds.), Client-centered therapy and the person-centered approach. New directions in theory, research and practice, pp. 76-107. New York: Praeger. This text is available, in a revised version, at
- Translated into Spanish: El cliente del cliente: la vertiente del "darse cuenta". In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), o.c., pp. 279-290 (see no. 44).
- Translated into Japanese by Y. Kira (1999): ‘Client no client: kakuchi no heri'. In Reports of counseling and guidance for students, 13, 29-62.
- The first part of this article (pp. 76-92) is translated into Dutch by A. Strandstra, E. de Bruijn & C. Langeveld (2001): De clint van de clint: randgebieden van het bewustzijn. Available at
- The first part of this article (pp. 76-92) is translated into Italian by E. Parisi (2003): Il cliente del cliente: il margine della coscienza; available at
134 Gendlin, E.T. (1984). Focusing. In R.J. Corsini (Ed.), Encyclopedia of psychology. Vol. II, p. 25. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
135 Gendlin, E.T. (1984). The political critique of "awareness". The Focusing Folio, 3 (4), 139-157.
- Translated into Spanish: Crtica poltica del "darse cuenta". In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), o.c., pp. 263-278 (see no. 44).
136 Gendlin, E.T. (1984). Dagenais' direction beyond presuppositions. Journal of Religious Studies, 11 (1-2), 97-105.
137 Gendlin, E.T. (1984). The obedience pattern. Studies in Formative Spirituality, 5 (2), 189-202.
138 Gendlin, E.T. (1984). Time's dependence on space: Kant's statements and their misconstrual by Heidegger. In T.M. Seebohm & J.J. Kockelmans (Eds.), Kant and phenomenology, pp. 147-160. Washington, DC: Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology & University Press of America. Also available at
139 Gendlin, E.T. (1984). Focusing. Ein Gesprch mit Gene Gendlin (H.-J. Feuerstein & D. Mller). Unverffentlichtet Manuscript (34 pp.).
- Teile dieses Gesprchs wurden in berarbeiteter Fassung als Interview verffentlicht: "Man sprt, wenn eine Entscheidung sitzt". Ein Gesprch mit Eugene Gendlin, dem Begrnder der 'Focusing'-Methode. Psychologie Heute, 1984, Mrz, 28-32.
- This publication is abridged and translated into Dutch: Interview met Eugen Gendlin "Focusing is client-centered therapie die je op jezelf toepast". Psychologie, 1985, 4, 33-35.
140 Gendlin, E.T. (1985). Some notes on the "self". The Focusing Folio, 4 (4), 137-151.
- Translated into Dutch by A. Post: Enige opmerkingen over het "zelf". Psychotherapeutisch Paspoort, 1986, afl. 4, 5.87-5.105.
- Translated into Spanish: Reflexiones sobre el "self". In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), o.c., pp. 291-302 (see no. 44).
141 Gendlin, E.T. (1985). Nonlogical moves and nature metaphors. In A-T. Tymieniecka (Ed.), Analecta Husserliana. Vol. XIX. Poetics of the elements in the human condition: the sea, pp. 383-400. Dordrecht: Reidel.
142 Gendlin, E.T. (1985). Dear APA member, Member of Division 29, and therapist. Letter (4 pp.).
143 Gendlin, E.T. (1986). Let your body interpret your dreams. Wilmette, IL: Chiron.
- Translated into German by K. Schoch (1987). Dein Krper - Dein Traumdeuter. Salzburg: Otto Mller.
- Translated into Japanese by S. Murayama (1989). Yume to focusing. Tokyo: Fukumura Shuppan.
- Translated into Dutch by D. Duyster (1991). Focussen en je dromen. Laat je lichaam je dromen interpreteren. Haarlem: De Toorts.
- Translated into Spanish by O. Castanyer & A. Gonzlez Pascual (2001). Deja que tu cuerpo interprete tus sueos. Col. Serendipidy Maior. Bilbao: Descle.
- A lightly edited and abridged excerpt (pp.137-138) is published under the title 'Instructions for not following instructions' (2003) at This is translated into Portuguese by J.C. Caselli Messias (2003): 'Instrues para no seguir instrues', available at
144 Gendlin, E.T. (1986). What comes after traditional psychotherapy research? American Psychologist, 41 (2), 131-136.
- Translated into Spanish: Qu viene despus de la investigacin tradicional en psicoterapia? In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), o.c., pp. 303-315 (see no. 44). Also available at
145 Gendlin, E.T. (1986). Process ethics and the political question. In A-T. Tymieniecka (Ed.), Analecta Husserliana. Vol. XX. The moral sense in the communal significance of life, pp. 265-275. Boston: Reidel.
- Reprinted in The Focusing Folio, 1986, 5 (2), 68-87.
146 Gendlin, E.T. (1986). Foreword. In L. Wright, F. Everett & L. Roisman, Experiential psychotherapy with children, pp. IX-XII. Baltimore & London: The John Hopkins University Press.
147 Gendlin, E.T. (1986). Organization. (Roundtable discussion on the continued development of the person-centered approach). Person-centered Review, 1 (3), 337.
148 Gendlin, E.T. (1986). Listening is still unknown: We need to get it into every other therapy method. (Roundtable discussion on the continued development of the person-centered approach). Person-centered Review, 1 (3), 337-339.
149 Gendlin, E.T. (1986). Experiential process and political control. Unpublished paper (29 pp.).
150 Gendlin, E.T. (1986). Heidegger and forty years of silence. In M. Frings (Ed.), Proceedings of the 20th Annual Heidegger Conference, pp. 48-56. Chicago: DePaul University.
151 Gendlin, E.T. (1987). Focusing partnerships. The Focusing Folio, 6 (2), 58-78.
- Translated into Spanish: Focusing en parejas. In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), o.c., pp. 355-366 (see no. 44).
152 Gendlin, E.T. (1987). On emotion in therapy. The Focusing Folio, 6 (3), 102-123.
- Translated into Spanish: Emocin y terapia. In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), o.c., pp. 331-353 (see no. 44).
153 Gendlin, E.T. (1987). 'In early research ...'. (Roundtable discussion on required further research). Person-centered Review, 2 (2), 240-243.
154 Gendlin, E.T. (1987). A philosophical critique of the concept of narcissism: the significance of the awareness movement. In D.M. Levin (Ed.), Pathologies of the modern self. Postmodern studies on narcissism, schizophrenia, and depression, pp. 251-304. New York: New York University Press. Also available at
- Reprinted in The Focusing Folio, 1988, 7 (2-3), 39-98.
- Translated into Spanish: Crtica filosfica del concepto de narcisismo: la relevancia del movimiento del "darse cuenta" (awareness). In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), o.c., pp. 317-330 (see no. 44).
155 Gendlin, E.T. (1987). Thinking after distinctions. Paper presented at the Heidegger Conference, George Mason University, Dept. of Philosophy (14 pp.).
156 Gendlin, E.T. (1987). Nonlogical moves. Unpublished paper (59 pp.).
157 Gendlin, E.T. (1988). Carl Rogers (1902-1987). American Psychologist, 43 (2), 127-128.
- Translated into Spanish: In memoriam: Carl Rogers (1902-1987). In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), o.c., pp. 367-371 (see no. 44).
158 Gendlin, E.T. (1989). Phenomenology as non-logical steps. In E.F. Kaelin & C.O. Schrag (Eds.), Analecta Husserliana. Vol. XXVI. American phenomenology. Origins and developments, pp. 404-410. Dordrecht: Kluwer. Also available at
- Translated into Japanese by T. Tsutsui (1993). Hi-ronriteki dankai toshiteno genshougaku. In E.T. Gendlin, Taiken katei to imi no souzou, pp. 7-16. Tokyo: Book Tokyo (This book also contains the Japanese translation of 'Experiencing and the creation of meaning') (see no. 21).
159 Gendlin, E.T. (1989). The body, language and situations. The Focusing Folio, 8 (1), 1-32 (part I) & The Focusing Folio, 8 (2), 45-70 (part II).
- Translated into Spanish: Cuerpo, lenguaje y situaciones. In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), o.c., pp. 373-391 (see no. 44).
160 Gendlin, E.T. (1989). Thinking beyond patterns: body, language and situations. Unpublished early draft (154 pp.) (see no. 159 & no. 165).
161 Gendlin, E.T. (1989). Unsere Therapie im Verhltnis zur heutigen Philosophie. Focusing Informationen, 1, 10-31.
- Reprinted in Focusing Bibliothek. Studientexte. Heft 2. (1994). Wrzburg: DAF (see no. 172).
- The first part of this text (pp. 10-20) is reprinted in a revised version. In E.T. Gendlin with J. Wiltschko (1999), o.c., pp. 119-131 (see no. 294).
- The last part of this text (pp. 24-30) is translated into German. In E.T. Gendlin with J. Wiltschko (1999), o.c., pp. 185-193 (see no. 294).
162 Gendlin, E.T. (1989). Psychotherapy research: Toward a bodily human nature. Discours Social/Social Discourse, 2 (1-2), 201-212.
163 Gendlin, E.T. (1990). The small steps of the therapy process: How they come and how to help them come. In G. Lietaer, J. Rombauts & R. Van Balen (Eds.), Client-centered and experiential psychotherapy in the nineties, pp. 205-224. Leuven: Leuven University Press.
- Translated into Spanish: Los pasos del proceso teraputico. Cmo surgen y cmo ayudarles a que surjan. In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), o.c., pp. 393-409 (see no. 44). Also available at
- Translated into Japanese by A. Ikemi (1999), Therapy process no chiisana ippo. In A. Ikemi (Ed.), Therapy process no chiisana ippo: focusing karano ningen rikai, pp. 27-63. Tokyo: Kongo Shuppan.
- The first two pages (pp. 205-206) of this text are translated into French by N. Rudigoz (1995) under the title 'Ce qui est primordial, c'est la prsence humaine'. Mouvance Rogrienne, no. 4, 3-4.
164 Gendlin, E.T. (1991). On emotion in therapy. In J.D. Safran & L.S. Greenberg (Eds.), Emotion, psychotherapy and change, pp. 255-279. New York & London: Guilford.
- Also in The Focusing Folio, 1990, 9 (1), 1-49, under the title 'On emotion in therapy (1990 revision)' (For the earlier version: see no. 152).
- Also in Hakomi Forum, no. 9, Winter 1992.
165 Gendlin, E.T. (1991). Thinking beyond patterns: Body, language and situations. In B. den Ouden & M. Moen (Eds.), The presence of feeling in thought, pp. 21-151. New York: Peter Lang. Also available at
- Translated into Spanish by A. Rodrguez Halay (forthcoming): Pensando ms all de los modelos: cuerpo, lenguaje y situaciones. Unpublished (193 pp.). Will be available in printed form from the translator (
- The major part of the introduction of this article (pp. 21-37) is translated into Italian by L. Baglioni (2004). Pensare al di l dei modelli: corpo, linguaggio e situazioni. Introduzione. Available at
166 Gendlin, E.T. (1991). Crossing and dipping: some terms for approaching the interface between natural understanding and logical formulation. In M. Galbraith & W.J. Rapaport (Eds.), Subjectivity and the debate over computational cognitive science, pp. 37-59. Buffalo: State University of New York. Also available at
- Reprinted in Minds and Machines, 1995, 5 (4), 547-560.
- Translated into Spanish: El entramado y la profundizacin: algunos trminos relativos a la lnea divisoria entre la comprensin natural y la formulacin lgica. In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), o.c., pp. 439-453 (see no. 44). Also available at
- Translated into Spanish by A. Rodrguez Halay (2006): Cruzando y sumergiendose: algunos terminos para acercarse a la interfase entre la comprension natural y la formulacion logica. Unpublished (17 pp.). Available in printed form from the translator (
- Translated into Japanese by T. Murasato (2004): Koosa to hitaru koto: shizenteki rikai to ronri koosei tono kyookaimen ni semaru tame no ikutsuka no yoogo. Available at
167 Gendlin, E.T. (1991). Ultimacy in Aristotle: In essence activity. Unpublished draft (33 pp.).
- Reprinted in N. Georgopoulos & M. Heim (Eds.) (1995), Being human in the ultimate: studies in the thought of John M. Anderson, pp. 135-166. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
168 Gendlin, E.T. (1991). Review of 'Deathbound Subjectivity' of Alphonso Lingis. Paper presented at the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy (12 pp.).
169 Gendlin, E.T. (1991). Focusing seminar (Ed. S. Murayama) (This book contains the translations into Japanese made by several translators of seminars given by Gendlin at Nakano Sunplaza in Tokyo at 15th-20th september 1987). Tokyo: Fukumura Shuppan.
170 Gendlin, E.T. (1992). Three learnings since the dreambook. The Folio, 11 (1), 25-30.
- Translated into Spanish: Tres aprendizajes a partir del enfoque corporal de los sueos. In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), o.c., pp. 411-414 (see no. 44).
171 Gendlin, E.T. (1992). The primacy of the body, not the primacy of perception. Man and World, 25 (3-4), 341-353.
- This text is abbreviated (p. 341 to the half of p. 343 are omitted; and there are several smaller omissions on pp. 344-347), is slightly revised, and is made available under the title ‘The primacy of the body, not the primacy of perception: How the body knows the situation and philosophy' at
- This revised version has been translated into Italian by L. Baglioni (2004): In che modo il corpo conosce una situazione? Una filosofia del primato del corpo sulla percezione. Available at
172 Gendlin, E.T. (1992). Celebrations and problems of humanistic psychology. Humanistic Psychologist, 20 (2-3), 447-460. Also available at
- Reprinted in The Folio, 1994, 13 (1), 27-37.
- Translated into Spanish: Logros y problemas en la Psicologa Humanstica. In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), o.c., pp. 425-437 (see no. 44).
- Translated into German by J. Ossenbach: Wrdigung und Problematik der Humanistischen Psychologie. Focusing Journal, no. 1, 1998, 4-10. (This journal is published by DAF: Deutsches Ausbildungsinstitut fr Focusing und Focusing-Therapie, Ludwigstrasse 8a, D-97070 Wrzburg).
- Translated Into Portuguese by J.C. Caselli Messias (2004). Celebraes e Problemas da Psicologia Humanista. Available at (see no. 21).
173 Gendlin, E.T. (1992). Meaning prior to the separation of the five senses. In M. Stamenov (Ed.), Current advances in semantic theory (published as Vol. 73 of the series 'Current issues in linguistic theory'), pp. 31-53. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
174 Gendlin, E.T. (1992). The wider role of bodily sense in thought and language. In M. Sheets-Johnstone (Ed.), Giving the body its due, pp. 192-207. Albany: State University of New York Press.
- Translated into German by H.J. Schneider: Die umfassende Rolle des Krpergefhls im Denken und Sprechen. Deutsche Zeitschrift fr Philosophie, 1993, 41 (4), 693-706. This translation is reprinted in Brennpunkt, no. 63, 1995, 17, 13-25.
175 Gendlin, E.T. (1992). McKeon's semantics and current philosophy. Paper presented at the conference 'Pluralism and objectivity in contemporary culture: Departures from the philosophy of Richard McKeon', University of Chicago, March 13-14 1992 (37 pp.).
176 Gendlin, E.T. (1992). Topics for theory construction. Unpublished manuscript (6 pp.).
177 Gendlin, E.T. (1993). Three assertions about the body. The Folio, 12 (1), 21-33.
- Translated into German by D. Mller (1998): ber den Krper. Wie ist Focusing theoretisch mglich? (12 pp.). Weingarten: FZK-Verlag (Focusing Zentrum Karlsruhe, Hhefeldstrasse 48, Postfach 1109, D-76352 Weingarten).
178 Gendlin, E.T. (1993). Der Traum vom Pferd. Workshop transcript (37 pp.), edited by H.-J. Feuerstein & D. Mller. Weingarten: FZK-Verlag (Available at FZK: see no. 177).
- Until 1998 this text was published under the title Traumarbeit.
179 Gendlin, E.T. (1993). Experientielle Psychotherapie. Workshop transcript (30 pp.), edited by H.-J. Feuerstein & D Mller. Weingarten: FZK-Verlag (see no. 177).
180 Gendlin, E.T. (1993). Focusing ist eine kleine Tr... - Gesprche ber Focusing, Trume und Psychotherapie. Focusing Bibliothek, Band 4. Wrzburg: DAF (see no. 172).
- Parts of this work (parts of pp. 9, 11-15, 18-20, 23-25, 55-61, 68-73, 76-77, 80-82, 85-86) are compiled in an article entitled 'Focusing ist eine kleine Tr...', Personzentriert, 1994, no. 2, 21-57.
- Translated into Dutch by E. de Bruijn (20033; 19981). Gene Gendlin aan het woord en aan het werk. Gesprekken over focussen, dromen en psychotherapie. Den Haag: Focuscentrum.
181 Gendlin, E.T. (1993). Human nature and concepts. In J. Braun (Ed.), Psychological concepts of modernity, pp. 3-16. Westport, CT: Praeger/Greenwood.
182 Gendlin, E.T. (1993). Words can say how they work. (Paper presented at the 27th Annual Heidegger Conference, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 4 June 1993.) In R.P. Crease (Ed.), Heidegger conference proceedings, pp. 29-35. Stony Brook: State University of New York.
- Reprinted in Synthesis Philosophica, nos. 19-20, 1995, 10 (1-2), 67-80.
- Translated into Croatian by I. Ipsa: Rijeci mogu iskazati kako djeluju. Filozofska Istrazivanja, no. 58, 1995, 15 (3), 425-438. Also available at
- Translated into Spanish: Las palabras pueden decir cmo funcionan. In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), o.c., pp. 415-423 (see no. 44).
183 Gendlin, E.T. (1993). Improvisation provides. Paper presented at a panel on ‘Improvisation', organized by Robert Crease at the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy in New Orleans, October 24, 1993 (8 pp.).
- This paper was slightly revised in 2007, retyped into a Word document (which gives it 11 pp.), and this revision is published at GOL (the Gendlin online archive).
184 Gendlin, E.T. (1993). Growing edge. Unpublished transcript (10 pp.).
185 Gendlin, E.T. (1993). The gigantic omission. Unpublished draft (18 pp.).
186 Gendlin, E.T. (1994). Krperbezogenes Philosophieren. Gesprche ber die Philosophie von Vernderungsprozessen. Focusing Bibliothek, Band 5. Wrzburg: DAF (see no. 172).
187 Gendlin, E.T. (1994). Response. Human Studies, 17 (3), 381-400. (Gendlin replies to four commentary articles of his work, which are published in the same issue of this journal).
188 Gendlin, E.T. (1995). If we call it therapy... Unpublished paper (12 pp.).
- Translated into German, with a few minor omissions, by J. Ossenbach (1999): Wenn wir es "Psychotherapie" nennen .... Focusing Journal, no. 2, 16-20 (see no. 172).
189 Gendlin, E.T. (1995). Animals. Unpublished note (4 pp.).
190 Gendlin, E.T. (1995). "The mind is in the chest" or on reading a text. Unpublished paper (10 pp.).
191 Gendlin, E.T. (1995). Philosophy of science and the human "I". Unpublished paper (15 pp.).
192 Gendlin, E.T. (1995). The primacy of perception, an ancient and modern mistake. Unpublished paper (8 pp.).
193 Gendlin, E.T. (1995). Business focusing program. Unpublished manuscript (57 pp.).
194 Gendlin, E.T. (1996). Focusing-oriented psychotherapy. A manual of the experiential method. New York: Guilford. (For an early version: see no. 119). Part of this book (chapters 3 & 4; pp.7-24) is available at
- Translated into German by T. Junek (1998): Focusing-orientierte Psychotherapie. Ein Handbuch der erlebensbezogenen Methode. Mnchen: Pfeiffer.
- The first part of this book is translated into Japanese by T. Murase, A. Ikemi, M. Hikasa & T. Murasato (1998). Focusing shikou shinri ryouhou. Vol. 1; with an introduction by E.T. Gendlin: Nihongo-ban jobun ('Introduction to the Japanese edition'), pp. 3-5. The second part is translated by M. Hikasa, R. Tamura, T. Murasato & Y. Ito (1999). Focusing shikou shinri ryouhou. Vol. 2. Tokyo: Kongo Shuppan.
- Translated into Spanish by J.R. Ortega (1999): El focusing en psicoterapia. Manual del mtodo experiencial. Barcelona/Buenos Aires/Mxico: Paids. Captulo 10 ‘Extractos de un caso de psicotherapia' is partly (three of the thirteen excerpts) available at
- Translated into Russian by A.S. Rigin & T.V. Barlas (2000): Fokusirovaniye: Noviy psihoterapevticheskiy metod raboti s perezivaniyami. Moscow: Klass.
- Chapter 6 (pp. 57-68, except table 6.1 at pp. 60-61) is translated into Italian by L. Baglioni (2005): Che cosa si intende per felt sense? Available at
195 Gendlin, E.T. (1996). Focusing partnerships. Unpublished draft (83 pp.). (Available at The Focusing Institute: see no. 21).
- The first chapter of this manuscript (pp. 1-25) is partly translated into German by T. Junek: Partnerschaftliches Focusing. In E.T. Gendlin with J. Wiltschko (1999), o.c., pp. 194-210 (see no. 294).
196 Gendlin, E.T. (1996). An introduction to focusing: Six steps. This lightly edited excerpt from the 1981 Focusing book (pp. 43-45), called 'Focusing Manual', is available at
- Translation into Dutch by E. de Bruijn & C. Langeveld (1997) available at
- Translation into Spanish by E. Frezza (1997) available at
- Translation into Danish by B. Robins (1997) available at
- Translation into Hebrew M. Arbel (2002) available at (
- Translation into Italian by R. Kohn (2001), lightly edited (step 3 an 4) by N. Corsetti (2003), available at
- Translation into Portuguese by J.C. Caselli Messias (2003) available at
- Translation into Finnish by T. Onttonen (2003) available at
- Translation into Japanese by S. Murayama, H. Tsuru & T. Murase (2003) available at
- Translation into Icelandic by V. lafsdttir (2003) available at
- Translation into Russian by O. Bondarenko (2003) available at
- Translation into Swedish by G. Monti (2004) available at
197 Gendlin, E.T. (1997). Discussion by Eugene Gendlin (discussion of ‘Ernest L. Rossi, Self-organizational dynamics in Ericksonian hypnotherapy: a nonlinear evolution for the psychotherapist of the future'). In J.K. Zeig (Ed.), The evolution of psychotherapy: The third conference, pp. 157-160. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
198 Gendlin, E.T. (1997). The use of focusing in therapy. In J.K. Zeig (Ed.), The evolution of psychotherapy: The third conference, pp. 197-210. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
199 Gendlin, E.T. (1997). Conference on After Postmodernism (introduction to the ‘Conference on After Postmodernism', held at The University of Chicago, November 14-16, 1997). Available at
200 Gendlin, E.T. (1997). Contributions to the e-mail discussion, preparing the ‘Conference on After Postmodernism', held at The University of Chicago, November 14-16, 1997.
201 Gendlin, E.T. (1997). Preface to the paper edition. In E.T. Gendlin, 'Experiencing and the creation of meaning. A philosophical and psychological approach to the subjective', pp. XI-XXIII. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press (see no. 21). Available, in a lightly edited version, at
202 Gendlin, E.T. (1997). How philosophy cannot appeal to experience, and how it can. In D.M. Levin (Ed.), Language beyond postmodernism: Saying and thinking in Gendlin's philosophy, pp. 3-41 & 343. Evanston: Northwestern University Press.
203 Gendlin, E.T. (1997). Reply to Kolb. In D.M. Levin (Ed.), o.c., pp. 77-83 & 348-349 (see no. 202).
204 Gendlin, E.T. (1997). Reply to Earle. In D.M. Levin (Ed.), o.c., pp. 93-96 & 352 (see no. 202).
205 Gendlin, E.T. (1997). Reply to Schneider. In D.M. Levin (Ed.), o.c., pp. 116-119 & 353 (see no. 202).
206 Gendlin, E.T. (1997). Reply to Williams. In D.M. Levin (Ed.), o.c., pp. 143-147 (see no. 202).
207 Gendlin, E.T. (1997). Reply to Johnson. In D.M. Levin (Ed.), o.c., pp. 168-175 & 357-358 (see no. 202).
208 Gendlin, E.T. (1997). Reply to Mohanty. In D.M. Levin (Ed.), o.c., pp. 184-189 (see no. 202).
209 Gendlin, E.T. (1997). Reply to Scharff. In D.M. Levin (Ed.), o.c., pp. 226-233 & 364-365 (see no. 202).
210 Gendlin, E.T. (1997). Reply to Hatab. In D.M. Levin (Ed.), o.c., pp. 246-251 & 366 (see no. 202).
211 Gendlin, E.T. (1997). Reply to Liberman. In D.M. Levin (Ed.), o.c., pp. 266-269 (see no. 202).
212 Gendlin, E.T. (1997). Reply to Wallulis. In D.M. Levin (Ed.), o.c., pp. 282-287 (see no. 202).
213 Gendlin, E.T. (1997). Reply to Nicholson. In D.M. Levin (Ed.), o.c., pp. 299-304 (see no. 202).
214 Gendlin, E.T. (1997). Reply to Fti. In D.M. Levin (Ed.), o.c., pp. 317-320 (see no. 202).
215 Gendlin, E.T. (1997). Reply to Margolis. In D.M. Levin (Ed.), o.c., pp. 332-338 (see no. 202).
216 Gendlin, E.T. (1997). Prefacio. In C. Alemany (Ed.), o.c., pp. 21-30 (see no. 44).
- The original text (1996) is in English: Spanish preface. Unpublished manuscript (7 pp.).
217 Gendlin, E.T. (1997). The responsive order: A new empiricism. Man and World, 30 (3), 383-411. Also available at
- Translated into Japanese by H. Saitou (1998): Outou no chitsujo: Atarashii keiken shugi. Gendai-Shisou (La revue de la pense d' aujourd'hui), 26 (1), 172-201. Tokyo: Seidosha.
218 Gendlin, E.T. (1997). What happens when Wittgenstein asks "What happens when ...?" The Philosophical Forum, 28 (3), 268-281. Also available at
- Translated into German by H. Deloch (1999): Was geschieht, wenn Wittgenstein fragt: "Was geschieht, wenn ...?". In H.J. Schneider & M. Kross (Hgg.), Mit Sprache spielen. Die Ordnungen und das Offene nach Wittgenstein, pp. 119-135. Berlin: Akademie. Also available at
219 Gendlin, E.T. (1997). Focusing - Philosophie und Praxis (Transskript eines Vortrags anlsslich des 10-jhrigen Bestehens des FZK im Mai 1997; 17 pp.). Weingarten: FZK-Verlag. (Available at FZK: see no. 177).
220 Gendlin, E.T. (1997). Wir mssen eine Null dazwischenstecken - und dann schwer arbeiten, diese Null auszufllen. Focusing Bibliothek. Studientexte. Heft 3, pp. 7-23. Wrzburg: DAF (see no. 172).
221 Gendlin, E.T. (1997). On cultural crossing. After Postmodernism Conference paper (6 pp.).
This paper is composed of fragments from the 'Reply to Hatab' (pp. 248-251) (see no. 210) and of ‘How philosophy cannot appeal to experience, and how it can' (successively pp. 36-37, 15-17 & 23-25) (see no. 202). Also available at
222 Gendlin, E.T. (1997). On philosophy and the felt sense. Talk at the Focusing International Conference in Pforzheim, Germany, May 1997 (transcribed, edited and slightly transmogrified by Peter Afford) (10 pp.).
223 Gendlin, E.T. (1998). Introduction to philosophy. Published at First published in 1996 under the title ‘Bits of philosophy which led to focusing', revised twice in 1998, and title changed at the second revision (12 pp.).
224 Gendlin, E.T. (1998). After postmodernism: A report (concluding report of the ‘Conference on After Postmodernism', held at The University of Chicago, November 14-16, 1997. Unpublished paper (7 pp.). Available at
225 Gendlin, E.T. (1998). Making concepts from experience. Talk at the 1996 International Focusing Conference (2-6 May), Gloucester, MA. Edited transcript (33 pp.). Available at
226 Gendlin, E.T. (1998). Thinking at the edge. Part I of the summary of a workshop with Gendlin at June 12-15, 1998, Stony Point Conference Center, NY. Summary prepared by K. Nelson with the assistance of E. Taylor, E. Hinterkopf and J. Schmitt (9 pp.). Unpublished draft. (Available at The Focusing Institute: see no. 21).
227 Gendlin, E.T. (1998). Nihongo-ban jobun ('Introduction to the Japanese edition'). Introduction to 'Focusing shikou shinri ryouhou. Vol. 1' (Part 1 of 'Focusing-oriented psychotherapy. A manual of the experiential method'), pp. 3-5. Tokyo: Kongo Shuppan (see no. 194).
228 Gendlin, E.T. (1998). Foreword. In K. Flanagan, Everyday genius. Focusing on your emotional intelligence, p. 7. Cork: Mercier Press/Marino Books.
- Translated into Spanish by O.C. Mayer-Spiess (2001): Prefacio. In K. Flanagan, A la bsqueda de nuestro genio interior: cmo cultivarlo y a dnde nos gua, p. 11. Bilbao: Descle De Brouwer.
229 Gendlin, E.T. (1998). How is phenomenology possible? Unpublished manuscript (16 pp.).
230 Gendlin, E.T. (1999). A new model. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 6 (2-3), 232-237.
- Translated into German, with a few minor omissions, by J. Ossenbach (2000): Ein neues Modell. Weder atomismus noch Holismus, sondern Prozesse. Focusing Journal, no. 5, 4-7 (see no. 172). Also available at
231 Gendlin, E.T. (1999). A philosophical car for focusers, 1999 model (6 pp.). Unpublished manuscript. Also available at
- Translated into Spanish by E. Aguilar (1999): Un vehculo filosfico para focusers, modelo 1999. Unpublished manuscript, distributed in the First Spanish Focusing School, 1999, Miraflores de la Sierra (Madrid) (5 pp.).
- Abridged and translated into German by J. Ossenbach (2000): Ein philosophisches Auto fr Focusing-Leute (Modell '99). Focusing Journal, no. 4, 4-6 (see no. 172). Also available at
- Translated into Italian by N. Corsetti & S. Castaldi (2004): Automobile filosofica per focalizzatori - modello 1999. Available at
232 Gendlin, E.T. (1999). The first step of focusing provides a superior stress-reduction method. The Folio, 18 (1), 178.
- Translated into Italian by N. Corsetti (2003):Il primo passo di Focusing rende pi efficace qualsiasi tecnica di riduzione dello stress. Available at
233 Gendlin, E.T. (1999). Implicit entry and focusing. The Humanistic Psychologist, 27 (1), 80-88.
234 Gendlin, E.T. (1999). Authenticity after postmodernism. Changes. An international Journal of Psychology and Psychotherapy, 17 (3), 203-212.
235 Gendlin, E.T. (1999). First science. Unpublished manuscript (16 pp.).
- Abridged and translated into German by J. Ossenbach (2001): Erste-Person-Wissenschaft. Teil I: Die Philosophie des Zugangs zu implizitem Erleben. Focusing Journal, no. 6, 19-21. Teil II: Anwendungsbeispiele. Focusing Journal, no. 7, 20- 23 (see no. 172).
236 Gendlin, E.T. (2000). The 'mind'/'body' problem and first-person process: three types of concepts. In R.D. Ellis & N. Newton (Eds.), The caldron of consciousness. Motivation, affect and self-organization - An anthology. Vol. 16 of the series 'Advances in consciousness research', pp. 109-118. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
237 Gendlin, E.T. (2000). Focusing partnerships as preventive medicine. Unpublished draft.(3 pp.).
238 Gendlin, E.T. (2000). Where you feel the body from the inside, there is a door. Paper presented at the Evolution of psychotherapy conference, May 25-29, 2000, Anaheim, California (13 pp.).
- Abridged and translated into Dutch by E. de Bruijn (2001): Waar je het lichaam vanbinnenuit voelt, is er een doorgang (10 pp.). Available at
239 Gendlin, E.T. (2001). On the new epistemology (excerpts from Gene Gendlin's awards talk at the American Psychological Association, August 6, 2000). Staying in Focus. The Focusing Institute Newsletter, 1 (2), 5-6. Also available at
- Translated into Japanese by A. Doi (2001): Atarashii chishikiron. Japanese edition of the ‘Staying in Focus' newsletter.
240 Gendlin, E.T. (2001). Excerpts from a Process Model conversation with Gene at TAE 2001. Staying in Focus. The Focusing Institute Newsletter, 1 (3), 8. Also available at
- Translated into Japanese by M. Osawa & T. Murasato (2001): 2001 nen TAE de GENE tono PM (Process Model) taiwa karano bassui. Japanese edition of the ‘Staying in Focus' newsletter.
241 Gendlin, E.T. (2001). Dear members. Letter (1 p.).
242 Gendlin, E.T. (2001). The "I". Unpublished paper (25 pp.).
243 Gendlin, E.T. (2002). Foreword. In C.R. Rogers & D.E. Russell, Carl Rogers: The quiet revolutionary. An oral history, pp. XI-XXI. Roseville, CA: Penmarin Books. Also available at
244 Gendlin (2003). Beyond postmodernism. From concepts through experiencing. In R. Frie (Ed.), Understanding experience: psychotherapy and postmodernism, pp. 100-115. New York: Routledge. Partly (pp. 100-106 & 113-114) available at
245 Gendlin, E.T. (2003). Focusing. How to gain access to your body's knowledge (revised and updated 25th anniversary edition). London: Rider.
- Translated into Greek by S. Triantafyllides (translation supervised by A. Karali) (2006). Diadikassia Estiassns - Διαδικασία Εστίασης (Focusing). Athens: Parissianou.
- Translated into French by L. Drolet (2006). Focusing. Au centre de soi (translation adapted by J. Lalanne. Introduction translated by M. de Frminville & B. Lamboy. Chapter 1 adapted by M. de Frminville). Qubec: Les ditions de l'Homme.
- Translated into Portuguese by C.S. Mendes Rosa (translation technically reviewed by J.C. Caselli Messias) (2006). Focalizao: uma via de acesso sabedoria corporal. So Paulo: Editora Gaia.
- A small piece from this book, ‘Focusing: Short Form' (appendix d; pp. 173-174), is also available at
246 Gendlin, E.T. (2003). Introduction to the new edition. In E.T. Gendlin, Focusing. How to gain access to your body's knowledge (revised and updated 25th anniversary edition), pp. VII-XI. London: Rider.
- This introduction is translated into Swedish by M. Gabrielsson (2003), 'Professor Eugene T. Gendlins nya frord frn 2003'. Available at
- This introduction is translated into German by J. Ossenbach (2003): Einfhrung in Focusing. Focusing Journal, no. 11, 4-6 (see no. 172).
- This introduction is translated into Spanish by M.F. Torres & E. Frezza (2004): 'Introduccin al Focusing'. Available at
- This introduction is translated into French by M. de Frminville & B. Lamboy (2006). In E.T. Gendlin, Focusing. Au centre de soi (pp. 7-12). Qubec: Les ditions de l'Homme (see no. 245).
- This introduction is translated into Italian by I. Calcagni (2007) (translation revised by N. Corsetti): ‘Introduzione all'edizione inglese di "Focusing" (2003)'. Available at Introduzione all'edizione inglese di "Focusing" (2003).
247 Gendlin, E.T. (2003). When you feel the body from inside, there is a door. In J.K. Zeig (Ed.), The evolution of psychotherapy: A meeting of the minds, pp. 267-267.Phoenix/AZ: Milton H. Erickson Foundation.
- Abridged and translated into Dutch by E. de Bruijn (2001), on the basis of the paper presented at the Evolution of pychotherapy conference, May 25-29, 2000 (12 pp.): Waar je het lichaam vanbinnenuit voelt, is er een doorgang (10 pp.). Available at
248 Gendlin, E.T. (2003). In answer to Jeffrey Zeig's discussion. In J.K. Zeig (Ed.), The Evolution of Psychotherapy: A meeting of the minds, pp. 270-271.Phoenix/AZ: Milton H. Erickson Foundation.
249 Gendlin, E.T. (2003). A response to Alexander Lowen. In J.K. Zeig (Ed.), The Evolution of Psychotherapy: A meeting of the minds, pp. 332-335.Phoenix/AZ: Milton H. Erickson Foundation.
250 Gendlin, E.T. (2004). Mehr als Vernunft - einige philosophische Quellen und Implikationen von Focusing. (Vortrag, 1st Conference of World Council for Psychotherapy, Vienna 1996,. Tonbandmanuskript, bearbeitet von Johannes Wiltschko). Focusing Journal, no. 13, 2-7 (see no. 172).
251 Gendlin, E.T. (2004). Five philosophical talking points to communicate with colleagues who don't yet know focusing. Staying in Focus. The Focusing Institute Newsletter, 4 (1), 5-8. Also available at
- Translated into Italian by S. Castaldi (2004). Cinque argomenti di filosofia di cui parlare per comunicare con i colleghi che non conoscono ii focusing. Available at
- Translated into Japanese by M. Hikasa (2004). Focusing wo Shiranai Douryou to Hanasu tameno 5 no Testugaku-teki Pointo. Japanese edition of the ‘Staying in Focus' newsletter.
252 Gendlin, E.T. (2004). Introduction to "Thinking at the edge". The Folio, 19 (1), 1-8. Also available at (see no. 21).
- This is an revised version of Gendlin, E.T. (2001). Introduction to thinking at the edge. Unpublished paper (5 pp).
- Translated into Japanese by T. Murasato & H. Murakawa (2004). "TAE (Hen'en de gangaeru)" eno jobun. Available at
- Translated into Spanish by S.M. Lpez (2005): Introduccin a "pensando desde el borde" (thinking at the edge). Available at
253 Gendlin, E.T. (2004). The new phenomenology of carrying forward. Continental Philosophy Review, 37 (1), 127-151.
254 Gendlin, E.T. (2004). Line by line commentary on Aristotle's De Anima II & III. Unpublished draft.
255 Gendlin, E.T. (2005). Bringing focusing into political context. Staying in Focus. The Focusing Institute Newsletter, 5 (1), 1-4.
- Translated into Japanese by M. Hikasa (2005). Focusing no Seiji-teki Joukyo heno Tekiyou. Japanese edition of the ‘Staying in Focus' newsletter.
256 Gendlin, E.T. (2005). Einige nicht neue, aber wichtige Bemerkungen zu ... (Auszge aus einem Vortrag auf der International Focusing Conference, Pforzheim 1997. Bearbeitet von Johannes Wiltschko). Focusing Journal, no. 14, 5-7 (see no. 172).
257 Gendlin, E.T. (2005). "Wir leisten dem alten System neue Dienste" (Gene Gendlin ber Politik. Aus Gesprchen mit Gene Gendlin in New York, Mai 2005, zusammengetragen von Johannes Wiltschko). Focusing Journal, no. 15, pp. 3-7 (see no. 172).
258 Gendlin, E.T. (2006). In having more than one shape, the truth is more, but it isn't a shape. Keynote address, Psychology of Trust and Feeling Conference, Stony Brook University, New York, November 17-18, 2006. Text of the lecture and the discussion transcribed by J. Drummond and edited by the author. Unpublished manuscript.
259 Gendlin, E.T. (2006). In having more than one shape, the truth is more, but it isn't a shape. Keynote address, Psychology of Trust and Feeling Conference, Stony Brook University, New York, November 17-18, 2006. Text of the lecture and the discussion transcribed by J. Drummond and edited by the author. Available at
260 Gendlin, E.T. (2007). The town and human attention. The Folio, 20 (1), 165-171.
- A shortened version is published under the title: 'The town and human attention.' Staying in Focus. The Focusing Institute Newsletter, 6 (3), 7-8.
261 Gendlin, E.T. & F. Zimring (1955). The qualities or dimensions of experiencing and their change. Counseling Center Discussion Paper, 1 (3). Chicago: The University of Chicago (Special Collections: Archival Monographs) (27 pp.).
- Reprinted, with editorial changes and some omissions, in The Person-centered Journal, 1994, 1 (2), 55-67.
262 Gendlin, E.T., R.H. Jenney & J.M. Shlien (1957). Counselor ratings of process and outcomes in client-centered therapy. Counseling Center Discussion Papers, 3 (15). Chicago: The University of Chicago (Special Collections: Archival Monographs) (13 pp.). (For a different version see no. 263).
263 Gendlin, E.T., R.H. Jenney & J.M. Shlien (1960). Counselor ratings of process and outcome in client-centered therapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 16 (2), 210-213. (Compared with no. 262: Same subject, but slightly different title and largely different content.)
264 Gendlin, E.T. & T.M. Tomlinson (1960). Experiencing scale manual. Unpublished manuscript.
265 Gendlin, E.T. & J.I. Berlin (1961). Galvanic skin response correlates of different modes of experiencing. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 17 (1), 73-77.
- Reprinted in Stollack, Guerney & Rothberg (Eds.) (1966), Psychotherapy research. Chicago: Rand-McNally.
- Translated into Japanese by H. Itou (1964). Taiken katei no youshiki ni tomonau GSR no henka. In H. Itou (Ed.), Counseling no katei (Counseling ronshuu Vol. 3), pp. 389-399. Tokyo: Seishin Shobou.
266 Gendlin, E.T. & J.I. Berlin (1961). Autonomic correlates of interaction process. Unpublished paper (9 pp.).
267 Gendlin, E.T. & J.M. Shlien (1961). Immediacy in time attitudes before and after time-limited psychotherapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 17 (1), 69-72.
268 Gendlin, E.T. & T.M. Tomlinson (1961). Psychotherapy process rating scale: Experiencing scale. Wisconsin Psychiatric Institute. Unpublished manuscript.
269 Gendlin, E.T. & M. Geist (1962). G scale (Therapist genuineness scale). Unpublished paper (3 pp).
270 Gendlin, E.T., M. Klein & T.M. Tomlinson (1962). Process scale movement in neurotic cases. Research report, University of Wisconsin Psychiatric Institute. Unpublished manuscript.
271 Gendlin, E.T. & T.M. Tomlinson (1962). Experiencing scale. Wisconsin Psychiatric Institute, University of Wisconsin. Unpublished manuscript.
272 Gendlin, E.T., M. Geist & M. Stoler (1962). Initial in-therapy behavior and testmeasures in an unmotivated population. Unpublished paper.
273 Gendlin, E.T. & M. Geist (1963). Relationship (REL) scale. Unpublished manuscript.
274 Gendlin, E.T. & T.M. Tomlinson (1963). The experiencing scale. Revision by P.L. Mathieu & M.H. Klein. Unpublished manual (13 pp.).
275 Gendlin, E.T., J.J. Kelly, V.B. Raulinaitis & F.E. Spaner (1966). Volunteers as a major asset in the treatment program. Mental Hygiene, 50 (3), 421-427.
- Reprinted in P. Ash (Ed.) (1973), Volunteers for mental health. New York: MSS Information Corporation.
276 Gendlin, E.T., H. Diesenhaus, M. Oberlander & L. Pearson (1967). Psychologists and government programs. In B. Lubin & E. Levitt (Eds.), The clinical psychologist. Readings on background, roles and functions, pp. 231-236. Chicago: Aldine.
277 Gendlin, E.T., J.P. Moursund & C.R. Rogers (1967). Putting the design into effect. In C.R. Rogers (Ed.) (1967), o.c., pp. 39-62 (see no. 52).
- Translated into Japanese by I. Tezuka (1972). Kikaku no jisshi. In F. Tomoda (Ed.), o.c., pp. 75-114 (see no. 54).
278 Gendlin, E.T. & C.R. Rogers (1967). The conceptual context. In C.R. Rogers (Ed.) (1967), o.c., pp. 3-21 (see no. 52).
- Translated into Japanese by I. Tezuka (1972). Gainenjou no ichizuke. In F. Tomoda (Ed.), o.c., pp. 13-47 (see no. 54).
279 Gendlin, E.T. & C.R. Rogers (1967). The design of the research. In C.R. Rogers (Ed.) (1967), o.c., pp. 23-38 (see no. 52).
- Translated into Japanese by I. Tezuka (1972). Research no keikaku. In F. Tomoda (Ed.), o.c., pp. 48-74 (see no. 54).
280 Gendlin, E.T. & T.M. Tomlinson (1967). The process conception and its measurement. In C.R. Rogers (Ed.) (1967), o.c., pp. 109-131 (see no. 52).
- Translated into Japanese by I. Tezuka (1972). Process no gainen to sono hyoutei. In F. Tomoda (Ed.), o.c., pp. 194-237 (see no. 54).
281 Gendlin, E.T. & T.M. Tomlinson (1967). A scale for the rating of experiencing. Revised by P.L. Mathieu & M.H. Klein. In C.R. Rogers (Ed.) (1967), o.c., pp. 589-592 (see no. 52).
- Reprinted in A.S. Segrera (Ed.) (1984), Proceedings of the first international forum on the person-centered approach, pp. 511-534. Mexico: Universidad Iberoamericana.
- Translated into Japanese by I. Tezuka (1972). Taiken katei wo hyoutei suru tameno hitotsu no scale. In F. Tomoda (Ed.), o.c., pp. 305-310 (see no. 54).
282 Gendlin, E.T. & J. Beebe (1968). Experiential groups. Instructions for groups. In G.M. Gazda (Ed.), Innovations to group psychotherapy, pp. 190-206. Bloomington, IL: Thomas.
- Reprinted under the title 'An experiential approach to group therapy'. Journal of Research & Development in Education, 1 (2), 19-29.
283 Gendlin, E.T., J. Beebe, J. Cassens, M. Klein & M. Oberlander (1968). Focusing ability in psychotherapy, personality and creativity. In J.M. Shlien (Ed.), Research in psychotherapy. Vol. III, pp. 217-241. Washington, DC: APA.
284 Gendlin, E.T. & L. Olsen (1970). The use of imagery in experiential focusing. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 7 (4), 221-223.
- Translated into Spanish: El uso de la imaginacin en el focusing experiencial. In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), o.c., pp. 125-130 (see no. 44).
285 Gendlin, E.T. & J.F. Rychlak (1970). Psychotherapeutic processes. Annual Review of Psychology, 21, 155-190.
286 Gendlin, E.T. & C. Tavris (1970). A small, still voice. Psychology Today, June, 57-59.
287 Gendlin, E.T. & J. Lemke (1971). Localization and interaction: A physical and philosophical discussion. Unpublished paper.
288 Gendlin, E.T. & M. Hendricks (1972). Rap Manual. Unpublished mimeograph by 'Changes', Chicago (20 pp.).
289 Gendlin, E.T. & J. Lemke (1983). A critique of relativity and localization. Mathematical Modelling, 4, 61-72. Also available at
290 Gendlin, E.T. & G. Lietaer (1983). On client-centered and experiential psychotherapy: an interview with Eugene Gendlin. In W.R. Minsel & W. Herff (Eds.), Research on psychotherapeutic approaches. Proceedings of the 1st European conference on psychotherapy research, Trier, 1981, Vol. 2, pp. 77-104. Frankfurt am Main/Bern: Peter Lang.
- Translated into German: Klientenzentrierte und experientiale Psychotherapie: ein Interview mit Eugene Gendlin [v. 24.3.1981]. GwG-info, no. 51, 1983, 57-83.
- Translated into Spanish by E. Aguilar & C. Alemany: Entrevista con Eugene Gendlin: psicoterapia centrada en el cliente y experiencial. Revista de Psiquiatra y Psicologa Humanista, nos. 23-24, 1988, 141-162.
291 Gendlin, E.T., with D. Grindler & M. McGuire (1984). Imagery, body and space in focusing. In A.A. Sheikh (Ed.), Imagination and healing, pp. 259-286. Farmingdale: Baywood.
292 Gendlin, E.T. & A. Monteiro dos Santos (1985). Entrevista com Eugene Gendlin (19 de julho de 1981). In A. Monteiro dos Santos, Momentos mgicos: a natureza do processo energtico humano, pp. 71-79. Brasilia: Centro Grfico do Senado Federal.
293 Gendlin, E.T. with T. Nielsen (1988). Dreaming, body-focusing and partnerships: An interview with Gene Gendlin. Newsletter of The Association for the Study of Dreams, pp. 6-9.
294 Gendlin, E.T. with J. Wiltschko (1999). Focusing in der Praxis. Eine schulenbergreifende Methode fr Psychotherapie und Alltag (J. Wiltschko made the transcripts of seminars given by Gendlin). Stuttgart: Pfeiffer bei Klett-Cotta.
295 Gendlin, E.T. with P. Hain (2000). Interview mit Gene Gendlin. In Psychotherapie - die Gestaltung psychotherapeutischer Wirkung. Bedeutende Persnlichkeiten der wissenschaftlichen Psychotherapie als Zeitzeugen im Gesprch ber Wirkfaktoren, pp. 64-69 (interview 23th April 1998, New York). Abhandlung zur Erlangung der Doktorwrde der Philosophischen Fakultt der Universitt Zrich.
- This dissertation is published: Hain, P. (2001). Das Geheimnis therapeutischer Wirkung. Heidelberg: Carl Auer.
296 Gendlin, E.T. & K. Nelson (2000). Smellability: playing with questions about analysis, universals, intricacy, and the responsive order. A dialogue between Gene Gendlin and Kye Nelson (3 pp.). Available at
297 Gendlin, E.T. & D.H. Johnson (2004). Proposal for an international group for a first person science. Available at
- Translated into Japanese by T. Murasato (2004). Available at
298 Gendlin, E.T. & M. Hendricks (2004). Thinking at the edge (TAE) steps. The Folio, 19 (1), 12-24.
- This is the first published revised version of a series of earlier continuously revised unpublished versions of the TAE steps: 'Eight steps for experiential theory construction' (1998; in fact nine steps); 'TAE theory construction worksheet' (June 1999; fourteen steps); 'Thinking at the edge (TAE) steps' (E.T. Gendlin, May 2001); 'TAE steps. How to do the TAE steps' (E.T. Gendlin, June 2001; August 2001); 'TAE steps' (E.T. Gendlin, July 2002); 'Thinking at the edge (TAE) steps' (The Focusing Institute, December 2002).
- A still earlier precursor of these unpublished versions of the TAE steps is the unpublished manuscript 'Topics for theory construction' (Gendlin, 1992) (see no. 176).
- Translated into Japanese by T Murasato (2004): Hen'en de kangaeru (TAE) no step. Available at
- Translated into Spanish (2004) by S. M. Lpez: 'Pasos del pensando desde el borde (PDB/TAE)'. Available at
- Translated into Spanish (2005) by E. Aguilar: 'Pasos del pensando desde el borde (PDB/TAE) en 14 pasos'. Available at
299 Gendlin, E.T with N. Lou (2006). Thinking freshly from experiencing. How Gendlin's philosophy of the implicit helps you think at the edge. Transcript of video/dvd, recorded at the Garrison TAE workshop October 29 - November 1, 2004 and at Nada Lou's interview with Gendlin May 4, 2005, and transcribed by A.M. Wyrsch & N. Lou (52 pp.). Canada: Nada Lou Productions.
- This transcription is translated into French by S. St. Pierre and D. Couture (2007): ‘Une pense novatrice issue de l'experiencing. Comment la philosophie de l'implicite de Gendlin peut assister l'mergence de la pense'. Available from Nada Lou (
300 Cook, J.J. & E.T. Gendlin (1960). Physiological correlates of a therapeutic mode of experiencing in a laboratory setting. Unpublished manuscript.
301 Berlin, J.I. & E.T. Gendlin (1962). Some psychological determinants of the basal process. University of Wisconsin. Unpublished manuscript (10 pp.).
302 Appell, M., E.T. Gendlin & M.H. Klein (1963). Teacher attitude variables and student exploration in three teaching methods. Unpublished research report, University of Wisconsin.
303 Bookbinder, L.J., E.T. Gendlin & L. Pearson (1963). PIAP psychotherapy questionnaire. American Psychologist, 18 (9), 571-575.
304 Klein, M.H., P.L. Mathieu, E.T. Gendlin & D.J. Kiesler (1969). The experiencing scale: A research and training manual. Two volumes. Madison: Wisconsin Psychiatric Institute.
- The Experiencing Scale (Vol. I., pp. 56-63) is revised and published in a German version by H.-D. Dahlhoff & H. Bommert. In A. Wild-Missong & A. Teuwsen (Hgg.) (1977), o.c., pp. 183-191 (see no. 86). And in H. Bommert and H.-D. Dahlhoff (Hgg.) (1978), o.c., pp. 72-79 (see no. 33).
- The Experiencing Scale is translated into Dutch by M.R. Pattyn. In W. De Moor (1978), De psychotherapeutische interventie. II. De behandelingsstrategische fase, pp. 289-298. Deventer: Van Loghum Slaterus.
- The Experiencing Scale is translated into Japanese by A. Ikemi, Y. Kira, S. Murayama, R. Tamura & N. Yuba: Taiken katei to sono hyoutei (Rating the process of experiencing). The Japanese Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 1986, 4, 50-64.
- The Experiencing Scale is translated into Spanish: La escala experiencial. In C. Alemany (Ed.) (1997), o.c., pp. 101-108 (see no. 44).
305 Glaser, K. & E.T. Gendlin (1973). Changes, Communities, no. 2, 30-36. Louisa, VA: Community Publications Cooperative.
- Revised and abridged by E.T. Gendlin & K. Glaser (1973). Main themes in 'Changes', a therapeutic community. Rough Times, 3 (6), 2-4.
306 Klein, M., P. Mathieu, D.J. Kiesler & E.T. Gendlin (1973). The experiencing scale. In D.J. Kiesler (Ed.), The process of psychotherapy. Empirical foundations and systems of analysis, pp. 267-280. Chicago: Aldine.
307 Santen, B. with E.T. Gendlin (1985). Focusing. Psychologie, 4, 29-32.
308 Van Werde, D. & E.T. Gendlin (1989). Dein Krper - Dein Traumdeuter: ein Beispiel, Kommentar und Bedenkungen. G.W.G. Zeitschrift, no. 74, 20, 71-75.
- Translated into English and published with only D. Van Werde as author: The use of body-intelligence in interpreting a dream. The Focusing Folio,1989, 8 (2), 71-86.
309 Korbei, L. (1994). Eugen(e) Gend(e)lin. In O. Frischenschlager (Hg.), Wien, wo sonst! Die Entstehung der Psychoanalyse und ihrer Schulen, pp. 174-181. Wien/Kln/Weimar: Bhlau.
- A large part of this article (pp. 176-181) is translated into English by E. Zinschitz (2005). In this translated part Gendlin describes theflight of the family Gendlin from the Nazis out of Vienna in 1938. Unpublished manuscript.
310 Kuiken, D., Busink, R., Dukewich, T.-L. & E.T. Gendlin (1996). Individual differences in orienting activity mediate feeling realization in dreams: II. Evidence from concurrent reports of movement inhibition. Dreaming: Journal of the Association for the Study of Dreams, 6 (4), 251-264.
311 Durak, G.M., R. Bernstein & E.T. Gendlin (1996/97). Effects of focusing training on therapy process and outcome. The Folio, 15 (2), 7-14.
312 Wiltschko, J. & E.T. Gendlin (1997). Aus einem Briefwechsel zwischen Johannes Wiltschko und Gene Gendlin. Focusing Bibliothek. Studientexte. Heft 3, pp. 29-33. Wrzburg: DAF (see no. 172).
313 Paulay, F. & E.T. Gendlin (2004). Speaking from the upwardly pressing things that want to come out. The Folio, 19 (1), 82-85.
314 Boukydis, Z. with E.T. Gendlin & K. Nelson (2004). Mothers and infants: One body process with equal initiative. The Folio, 19 (1), 86-92.
315 Behnke, E. A. (2005). Gendlin, Eugene T (1926- ). In J.R. Shook, R.T. Hull, B. Kuklick, M.G. Murphey & J.G. Slater (Eds.), The Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, Volume 2, pp. 902-904. Bristol: Thoemmes.
316 Gendlin, E.T. (2008). Vision statement for focusing - action steps and projects. The Folio, 21 (1), 367-376.
317 Gendlin, E.T. (2009). A changed ground for precise cognition. In Donata Schoeller, Vera Saller (eds): Thinking Thinking: Practicing Radical Reflection. Phenomenology, Pragmatism, Psychotherapy. Schriftenreihe zur phnomenologischen Anthropologie und Psychopathologie. Freiburg: Alber 2016. (35 pp.).
318 Gendlin, E.T. (2009). We can think with the implicit, as well as with fully formed concepts. In Karl Leidlmair (Ed.), After cognitivism: A reassessment of cognitive science and philosophy. Springer. pp. 147-161.
319 Gendlin, E.T. (2009). What first and third person processes really are. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 16, No. 1012, 2009, pp. 33262.
320 Gendlin, E.T. (2012). Implicit precision. In Z. Radman (Ed.), Knowing without thinking: The theory of the background in philosophy of mind, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (2012).
321 Gendlin, E.T. (2012). The time of the explicating process. In S. C. Koch, T. Fuchs, & C. Mller (Eds.), Body memory, metaphor and movement. Amsterdam: John Benjamins (forthcoming). Gendlin's article appears in this volume as a response to an article by Thomas Fuchs titled "Body memory."
322 Gendlin, E.T. (2012). Process generates structures: Structures alone don't generate process. The Folio, 23 (1), 3-13.
323 Gendlin, E.T. (2012). Body dreamwork. In McNamara, Patrick & Barrett, Deirdre (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Sleep and Dreams, Praeger Press (forthcoming).
324 Gendlin, E.T. (2013). Arakawa and Gins: the Organism-Person-Environment Process. In Keane, J. and Glazebrook, T (Eds.) Arakawa and Gins Special Issue of Inflexions Journal, No. 6: 225-236
325 Gendlin, E.T. (2013). The derivation of space. In Cruz-Pierre, A. and D.A. Landes (Eds.), Exploring the work of Edward S. Casey: Giving voice to place, memory, and imagination. Bloomsbury Academic.
326 Gendlin, E.T. (2017). A process model. Northwestern University Press
This is an updated version by TIFI team (2023) of a work published earlie .
The first version: Depestele, F. (1996). Primaire bibliografie van Eugene T.Gendlin. Primary bibliography of Eugene T. Gendlin. Tijdschrift voor Psychotherapie, 22 (1), 47-63.
A revised version: Depestele, F. (2000). Primary bibliography of Eugene T. Gendlin (2000 revision). Gesprchspsychotherapie und Personzentrierte Beratung, 31 (2), 104-114. Since many new data, beside some corrections, were added a new numbering (for cross-referring between the references) became necessary at the revision of April 2000 (F.D.).
A few new data were added in November 2002 (F.D.).
Many new data are added in the revision of September 2006 (F.D.).
A few new data are added, and a new numbering is introduced in this new, 2007 revision in August 2007 (F.D.).
Frans Depestele, M.D., M.A. philosophy, is a psychiatrist-psychotherapist, and published several articles on experiential theory and therapy. His address is: Grotstraat 100, 3200 Aarschot, Belgium (
I'm indebted to the work of M. Van Ryckeghem, A.E. DeBartolo, Y. Morotomi and H. Tanaka. I used data of an earlier bibliography of Gendlin's works, in M. Van Ryckeghem, 1975, E. T. Gendlin: een ervaringsgerichte benadering van de mens in interactie met zijn omgeving, pp. 118-125, unpublished master's dissertation, Department of Psychology, University of Leuven. I also made use of the work of A.E. DeBartolo, 1980, Experiential focusing and related works: a bibliography, unpublished manuscript (10 pp.), made available by The Focusing Institute in Chicago. I'm grateful to Yoshihiko Morotomi for compiling the Japanese translations for the first publication, and to Hideo Tanaka for compiling new Japanese translations and providing a great deal of new information for the subsequent revised versions of this bibliography. I also thank Christina Honde for providing a great deal of new information for the 2006 and 2007 version of this bibliography.
Frans Depestele